Gates Dearborn MI: March 2020 Prayer Letter
What an amazing God we serve! We are so blessed to serve the Lord with you all in the ministry. God has been doing some amazing things and you all are part of that. Thanks for your prayers for us. We pray for you all during this unique time in history. Things may seem a little out of control with the COVID-19 virus, but our God is still on the throne. He is good!
God’s Guiding Hand!
“Yes, I would like you all to take my children to church.” Mother of Mohammed shared. While in Dearborn, I was able to go on bus visitation with Silvery Lane Baptist of Dearborn Heights. Once again, the amazing percentage of Muslims answering was shocking. One Muslim mother of 3 young ones is described above. Mother of Mohammed listened as I shared about the church and the ministry, and she said that the children would be there. Others showed interest, as well.
“Would you like to get saved? I asked. “Yes, I would!” Cammy replied. I mentioned Ismail, a young Muslim man that I witnessed to. We went to search for his home and could not find his address. After driving around for more than a half of an hour, I told my visitation partners to pull over and go down a street to witness. We went from door to door and when a young lady, whom I thought was Arab answered, I spoke to her in Arabic. After finding out she was Romanian, I started witnessing to her anyways, of course. She said she had been seeking the Lord and when we witnessed to her, she knew it was from God. I started and then Bro Mario, the church’s youth pastor, led her in prayer as she called on the name of the Lord. I wasn’t able to find Ismail’s home, but Cammy found her way to Jesus when we chose to be obedient to witness! Amen!
As I went from home to home, searching for our next home for our field, I saw many homes, but none that seemed to fit our needs. It gave me an idea of the market and showed me what is available. We would love a place with enough rooms for our family, an area with good schooling and, of course, a reasonable monthly price. I will go up ASAP after the emergency situation of COVID-19 is under control and travel is more acceptable. I also looked at a building for the church plant. The building was used by a ministry for teaching English and work skills. It has a painted chapel that shares the Bible stories by pics. We are praying for direction for a building because we look forward to starting the work. Thanks for your prayers. Please consider being a blessing by helping with our home/ministry set up fund. You can click the link or mail it to MWBM in Braselton GA.
“What a great message!” I exclaimed to Pastor Gergis. This virus causes us to think outside the box so we can proclaim the gospel to many. The church in Egypt is also doing something similar. Gergis has been giving short daily devotionals to send on a social app and will be recording messages for their services on Facebook. They will also be giving food essentials to the elderly in the church. Thanks for your prayers for the church in Egypt through these times. Also, pray to help them purchase their building. A deep need!
“If you’d like to have a free Arabic Bible, order below?” I said in Arabic. We are preparing the way for the ministry. I pray to target the neighborhoods in Dearborn with google ads that offer free Bibles. When they click on the ad, they will be routed to a website where I offer a free bible and an opportunity to meet. This will give us seekers that actually want to learn God’s truth. Think of some practical ways you can be a blessing to others, too.
“We will contact you about support!” Pastor said. It blesses us to share God’s work with new friends and old. Some of the new churches promise to support or have taken us on and also it has been great visiting supporting churches. Brother Jeff Alverson preached a missions conference at his son, Pastor Jon Alverson’s church. Brother Jeff planted our sending church years ago. I am indebted to him for starting our church and calling Pastor Coffey to pastor there! We pray to start many churches in Dearborn that will affect Arabs all over the world. We need more church planters amongst the Islamic and Arabic world. Contact me so I can help you get involved.
Family Matters
We are scheduled to sign the release of adoption papers this Thursday. We will do a Virtual/Computer meeting with the DFCS workers and a notary. When this happens, we will have to set up an adoption hearing to close things out. That may be virtual too! The kids are all home and we are now their Home School Teachers! LOL! It has definitely been interesting dealing with the COVID-19, but we know God has a purpose in this all. We pray that you all will stay healthy and stay strong in the battle for God’s glory.
For His Name,
David, Beth, Joshua, Sandy, Emma, and Noah
Deut 31:6-8