Gates Family Dearborn MI: December 2019 Prayer Letter
December 2019
Dearest Friends in the Ministry,
The Lord Jesus Christ, God Almighty became man to go to the old rugged cross and die in our place. I pray as we focus on His birth, that we do not forget the reason why He came. He wants to seek and save those that are lost. Thank you so much for faithfully serving others through the power of the gospel. We appreciate your faithfulness to the Lord and to us. May we continue lifting up His name for His name’s sake. He is worthy! Merry Christmas from the Gates Family! The Grace of God in the Ministry
“Next time we meet, let us talk about how we can have peace with God.” I told Louis. Louis is our landlord from Iran. He is very friendly and comes from a Muslim background, but he rejected Islam years ago. As we got to know one another better, I was able to share my testimony and the gospel. We plan to meet again soon. God has burdened me to meet weekly with at least one believer for a meal and also some unbelievers. I believe we are called to make disciples and strengthen the brethren, but also to love those that need Christ. Pray as the Lord opens doors of utterance for encouragement to the saved and salvation to the lost.
“Our book should be out this January!” my good friend Brendon excitedly shared. I along with other missionaries to the Muslims have teamed up together to write a book about facing the fears and “impossiblitites” of reaching Muslims with the gospel. When I say the word, “Muslim,” many may think of terrorists and are fearful of them and uncaring towards their fate. We pray to see people love them as Christ does and then to surrender to reach them here in the US (such as in Dearborn MI) or in countries like Egypt where millions of Muslims live. Be sure to reserve your copy for this motivating and practical book written by men of God that have experience in confronting Muslims with the gospel.
“Let us meet soon!” Mostafa told me. Last month I mentioned meeting Mostafa when I was in Dearborn. I called and followed up with him and we will meet him and his family when we visit Dearborn at the beginning of January. Thousands of Muslims need the gospel along with Chaldeans (Catholic Arabs) in Dearborn. What a great need! Dearborn is also infested with an opiate drug abuse epidemic. Many are dying because of overdoses! This surprises me, but many claiming to follow Islam are dying due to excessive drug use. They are rejected by their families, but we know when they come to Jesus, they are accepted. We are thinking of ways to reach them when we hit the ground running this upcoming year!
“We plan to team up with you at the beginning of the new year!” a dear brother told me. God blesses as we raise extra support for our field change. Several have expressed their desire to team up with us. God let us keep much of our support from when we were in Egypt, but the cost of living and ministry expenses in Dearborn is more than Cairo. We also need finances for our home setup if you’d like to help with this. Praise God for the several that gave this past month. Thank you all so much! You can click the link below or send finances to the MWBM address listed below. You can also go to our webpage to give Thanks in advance. God knows our needs and we trust Him to provide!
“I sent you the discipleship and leadership lessons. What do you think?” Pastor Gergis intently asked. Pastor Gergis started discipleship classes and dozens are attending. Some people need review and others are just getting started. The lessons cover basic bible doctrines and the goals of the church. Pastor Gergis has a talent for writing and developing materials. This is deeply needed in our Baptist churches but definitely in Arabic. Consider helping the Egyptian Church with their building. What a need! Family Matters
Our court case for Noah is still set for Jan 15. Pray for a speedy finish right after this. The rest of the kids are doing great. Praise the Lord! Beth and I just celebrated 12 wonderful years of marriage on Dec 15th! I am so blessed to have this amazing woman that’s followed me across the world to places many would not even dare to enter and live. She loves me and loves the Lord! Plus, she is absolutely beautiful! God is good! Think On These Things…
Over 1.8 billion Muslims live all over the earth. That means approx. 1 out of 4 people are Muslim. They need to be reached. Will you surrender to reach these with the gospel? I am currently developing tracts and other materials. I know of others that have materials, as well. Reach out so we can help you meet this deep need.
Married Twelve years to this Beautiful Woman!
I am Blessed!